Yoga classes with Angela
Take a look at the classes I offer below
For more details or to book please contact me, Angela, on 07758114844 or email me on ang.bentonb@gmail.com
You can then complete a online or downloadable health and booking form below
Postnatal and baby Yoga (birth to 4 years)
Wednesdays 10.45am
To book or for more information contact Angela on 07758114844 or ang.bentonb@gmail.com
Angela Benton-Browne

Our lives are a continuous journey of self-discovery, learning that it is ok, that our time of rest and continuous awareness are simply a job to be done. I relish the day to day application of my yoga practice as well as the nurture of my Yoga practice.
After a Yoga Teacher apprenticeship with Jim Gough I have been a recognised Yoga teacher through the Independent Yoga Network since 2009. Since becoming a mother in 2008 I have more focused using Yoga to nourish both parent and child.
I continue my studies of Yoga, pre-natal education, child development among many things.
I am also a swim teacher with Little Seahorses, founded by Zoe Harding, where we teach Shaw swim method which uses Alexander Technique.
Have a look through my thank yous to see links to those who have and continue to inspire, train and support me.
Links and Thank yous
Huge thank yous include
Jim Gough, IYN Elder, for guiding me through the apprenticeship, for inspiration and on going support
To all the IYN team for their ongoing support
Veronika de la Pena for leading me into baby and reflex yoga https://www.yotism.com/
Hannah Bailey for ongoing support and inspiration http://natural-holistics.co.uk/index.html
Hayley Holden for healthy business support, yoga equipment, children's yoga lesson plans, constant inspiration and motivation Awaken Your Sole | Facebook
Uma Dinsmore Tuli, Nirlipta Tuli and all their team for providing inspiring courses and guidance https://yonishakti.co/ https://www.yoganidranetwork.org/
Tessa Sanderson for knowledge, expertise, encouragement and kindness https://www.tessayoga.co.uk/
Elena Riu for sharing your passion of empowering circles for girls https://www.facebook.com/Elena-Riu-Yoga-Yoga-Buds-Yoga-Blossoms-Yoga-Flowers-121543278699942/
The Yoga Teacher's Forum for all your work supporting yoga teachers https://yogateachersforum.org/
Zoe Harding for welcoming me into the Little Seahorses team, all your training and support
The Little Blue Elephant Café for your space and cakes http://www.blueelephantplaycafe.com/
Zoe Mason at Clear Space Studios for a beautiful space and ongoing solid support Gallery | Clearspacestudios
Carmel and Sabrina for your cosy studio space and ongoing support Gallery of Wellbeing
Abigale Rustling and Carli Porter for the photos
Check out the Independent Yoga Network https://www.independentyoganetwork.org/
Learn more about keeping yoga free from standardization http://www.keepyogafree.co.uk/
Learn more about Womb Yoga http://www.wombyoga.org/
Learn more about Yoga Nidra http://www.yoganidranetwork.org/
Eradicate abuse of women in yoga: reclaim yoga as a tool for planetary healing and justice​https://yonishakti.co/the-movement